[11アバター対応] Wooly Winter
- ダウンロード商品Full Set¥ 3,600
- ダウンロード商品Uruki¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Milltina¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品APOLLO¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Kikyo¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Lasyusha¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Airi¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Shinano¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Selestia¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Moe¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Manuka¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Velle¥ 1,500
Wooly Winter made for Uruki, オリジナル3Dモデル「ウルキ・Uruki」by Mister Pink・ミスピン https://misterpink.booth.pm/items/6574516 Milltina, オリジナル3Dモデル『ミルティナ』 by DOLOS art https://dolosart.booth.pm/items/6538026 Airi, オリジナル3Dモデル「愛莉」Ver.1.01 by キュビ https://kyubihome.booth.pm/items/6082686 Shinano, オリジナル3Dモデル「しなの」by ポンデロニウム研究所 https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/6106863 Selestia,「セレスティア」ver1.02 by JINGO CHANNEL https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/4035411 Moe, オリジナル3Dモデル「萌」Ver.1.02.1 by キュビ https://kyubihome.booth.pm/items/4667400 Manuka, オリジナル3Dモデル「マヌカ」ver1.01.1 by JINGO CHANNEL https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/5058077 Velle, オリジナル3Dモデル「ヴェール・Velle」by Mister Pink・ミスピン https://misterpink.booth.pm/items/4951792 Kikyo, 「桔梗」 ver1.03 by ポンデロニウム研究所 https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/3681787 APOLLO, APOLLO【オリジナル3Dモデル】by HINASAKI https://hinasaki.booth.pm/items/4182823 Lasyusha, 【オリジナル3Dモデル】Lasyusha〈ラシューシャ〉by Keenoo https://keenooshop.booth.pm/items/4825073 Model can be used with AvatarTools. モデルはAvatarToolsで使用可能です。 https://kurotori.booth.pm/items/1564788 Additional textures can be found here その他のテクスチャはこちら https://snaggy.booth.pm/items/6438778
Contents UnityPackages: Outfit, Materials+Textures PSDs: 5 Content is split into different zip files for download: PSDs, Textures+Materials UnityPackage and per Avatar UnityPackage (FBX+Prefabs) Avatars not included Uses lilToon https://lilxyzw.booth.pm/items/3087170 Made in Blender 4.1.1 Tested in Unity 2022.3.22f1 with VRCSDK 3.0 via VRChat Creator Companion Compatibility with projects in older versions of Unity unknown
Model Information
Baseline △34826~ Tris Baseline Meshes: BeandeauTop, CrossedTop, LegWarmer, OpenBackSweater_Main, OpenBackSweater_Neck, Sleeve, Stirrup, Underwear Includes blendshapes for most breast size options on avatars. Specific meshes may be included or added on request. Two basic prefabs included per avatar. Several material variations are also included. Compatible with VRC Physbones
[2024-12-17] Release [2024-12-19] Added Oppai- Meshes and Blendshapes for Velle Adjusted some weightpainting for Velle [2024-12-30] Added APOLLO, Kikyo and Lasyusha versions [2025-01-31] Added Milltina versions; FC_Milltina and Milltina variations [2025-02-11] Updated Milltina version to make use of Butt_L and Butt_R bones, adjusted hand weightpainting. Added several (Wear bra) Blendshapes to the regular version of WoolyWinter for Milltina: + (Wear bra)Breasts Normal + (Wear bra)Breasts Big + (Wear bra)Breasts Cow + Foot_heel2 Added some blendshapes to the Shinano version on the BandeauTop_Big and CrossedTop_Big meshes. Adjusted some weightpainting on the Shinano version. [2025-02-23] Added Uruki version [2025-03-01] Updated Uruki version to be compatible with Uruki V1.2 Added Booba_Flat meshes to Uruki version VN3 License - EN - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RdSwb4qLP15UAhapJHNs1e-ZjadcmpIo/view?usp=drive_link - JP - https://drive.google.com/file/d/17QL3UbdBQ13kdyBKUx-4Yw8lCDI0Tc7j/view?usp=drive_link - KR - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FWzu9382BpTkjwBc8aZGm31JXJwkfU0Q/view?usp=drive_link